featured writing

Night Terrors

Published in Issue 26 of Lunch Ticket, Night Terrors explores the relationship between a pre-teen girl and her stepbrother when something terrifying happens to them during their first night home alone.

Green Suede Shoes

Featured in The Best Short Stories of Philadelphia anthology by Toho Publishing and Underground Pool - Issue 7, this story follows a young boy with the peculiar hobby of peering through mortuary windows when he meets a new friend.


Winner of an Editor's Choice Award, and printed in the paper copy of TeenInk, “Panophobia” follows a high school student obsessed with the unnerving world of phobias. But what caused this obsession to take over her life? (read the print version here, or the online version here)

Burning Autumn

Burning Autumn is a novel Liz Waldie published when she was fifteen, written from the perspectives of four teenagers as they navigate love, loss, and the paranormal. (find it here)